We are a collective of community co.creators.

Join the #RegenerativeMovement!

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/df68d879-f15a-4f2e-8be2-0955bf0a6fb9/c49cf3e1-47f3-4075-80f2-221b02616a4c/Regen-Logo-Black.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/df68d879-f15a-4f2e-8be2-0955bf0a6fb9/c49cf3e1-47f3-4075-80f2-221b02616a4c/Regen-Logo-Black.png" width="40px" /> Regenerative neighborhoods provide a solution to all the important things

Shelter, Water, Food, Energy, Waste management, The human experience…

There is a grass roots, decentralized movement of individuals creating sustainable and intentional community land developments around the world.

They're doing the best they can with the pieces of the puzzle they have.

We’re making it easier for them to find the other pieces 🧩

Regen Tribe provides an end to end pipeline for the creation of successful regenerative neighborhoods by :

🌍 gathering and sharing educational resources 🌎 fostering a global network on our digital platform Tribes 🌏 providing direct and end to end support to existing regenerative neighborhoods and their communities as an online guide and collective of service providers


Our why

Our how

Our what

Global Network - connecting people creating communities

Catalyzer - open source education & research

Agency - direct land project support

Marketing & events - storytelling

Strategy & Ops : Make plans and project manage them

Read The Full Regen Tribe Manifesto

If you are curious, you can read our

Regen Tribe Manifesto

Meet Regen Tribe Collective!

Collective Members Directory

How to join the Regen Tribe Collective?